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  • University of Brighton | Vietnamese Connect

    University of Brighton Offering a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses for UK and international students, the University of Brighton always focuses on improving the quality of teaching, expanding educational goals towards all international students. OVERVIEW Currently, the University of Brighton is located in the South East coast of England, just 1 hour from London by train, where having peaceful life and lower cost than the central area. ​ LOCATION The University of Brighton has five large campuses located in the cities of Brighton, Eastbourne and Halsting. The University currently has more than 21,000 students, including 1,200 international students from more than 90 different countries. ​ FACILITIES To serve the teaching and learning activity, The University of Brighton offers modern facilities and equipment with plentiful resources from libraries and computers, laboratories, languages and wireless networks to a 24-hour technical technology information support system and a large library with millions of books. ​ University of Brighton Campus ACHIEVEMENTS The University of Brighton has made many outstanding achievements on the rankings of The Guardian. Aiming at improving the teaching quality, its training orientation always focuses on actual job requirements. Currently, the university holds a lot of records in the UK, such as: 94% of Brighton graduates are in work after graduation 19th in the UK’s universities 19th in the UK’s Association of Universities rankings ​ ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMMES Students can choose and study at the University of Brighton 4 following disciplines: Accounting and Finance BSc: Financial graduates shall be equipped with the necessary background and tools to build a successful career in the financial sector focusing on appraisal, communication skills, etc. Graphic design: Focusing on the skills of using design elements (typography & images) to convey a message or create an impact. Photography: Focusing on the process of creating an image by the effect of light on a film or light-sensitive device ​ EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES At the University of Brighton, a group named Vietsoc (Vietnamese Society) often hold food and entertainment events to help students get closer and more confident in communication. You can share your studies with each other and ask for support from seniors in the same courses. ​ ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Foundation course Foundation course covers training for academic subjects, English and study skills. Graduated from grade 11 and IELTS 5.5 (2 terms), IELTS 5.0 (3 terms) 2. Undergraduate and postgraduate course The university offers more than 280 undergraduate courses and a wide variety of postgraduate programs in a wide range of disciplines. Undergraduate: Completion of Foundation course or A level, English equivalent to IELTS 6.0 (component score ≥ 5.5) Postgraduate: Graduated from University with GPA ≥ 7.0, English equivalent to IELTS 6.5 (component score ≥ 5.5) TUITION FEES Foundation course: £9,700 – 17,200/year Undergraduate: £12,420 – 13,800/year Postgraduate: £12,690 – 15,480/ year SCHOLARSHIP The scholarships are up to £2,000 and can be higher depending on students’ achievements. ​

  • Du học ngành dược ở Anh cùng học sinh HVP

    Study Abroad with Vietnamese Connect​ Du học ngành dược ở Anh cùng học sinh HVP Các ngành liên quan đến chăm sóc sức khoẻ như bác sĩ, y tá, dược sĩ luôn là những ngành nằm trong danh sách thiếu hụt nhân lực ở Anh. Do vậy, cơ hội việc làm cho sinh viên theo học các ngành này sẽ cao hơn so với các ngành kinh tế. Tuy nhiên, điều kiện nhập học và việc theo học các ngành này cũng rất khó. Các trường đại học ở Anh đều yêu cầu điểm A level cao cho các học sinh muốn theo học cách ngành liên quan đến y tế. Hãy cùng Vietnamese Connect nhìn lại hành trình trở thành dược sĩ của bạn HVP. ​ HVP là một học sinh khiến Vietnamese Connect rất tự hào. Em tìm đến chúng tôi khi em đã hoàn thành xong chương trình A level và bày tỏ nguyện vọng tiếp tục theo học ngành dược ở Anh. Do A level là một chương trình học khá khó và áp lực đối với học sinh, kèm theo đó là những khó khăn trong việc làm quen với chương trình học và môi trường học mới nên kết quả học tập của P không được cao. Với kết quả học tập như vậy, P đã rất lo lắng rằng em không đủ điều kiện để theo học ngành dược. ​ Sau khi tiếp nhận hồ sơ và biết được nguyện vọng của P, các tư vấn viên của Vietnamese Connect đã tư vấn, động viên và tiến hành tìm trường và khoá học phù hợp cho P. Sau khi xem xét các điều kiện về tài chính, nguyện vọng nghề nghiệp trong tương lai và các yêu cầu về môi trường học tập của P, chúng tôi đã so sánh và đánh giá các trường đại học phù hợp với yêu cầu của em. Trong số các đối tác của Vietnamese Connect, Ulster University là một trường có tổ chức giảng dạy các khoá học ngành dược, bên cạnh đó ngành dược của trường còn nằm trong Top 1 tại Vương Quốc Anh trong 3 năm liền theo The Guardian University Guide 2017. Trường còn là một trường đại học trẻ, có cơ sở vật chất hiện đại phù hợp với yêu cầu về môi trường học tập của P. Sau khi trao đổi với P về các điều kiện của trường và khoá học, P đã quyết định chọn Ulster University là nơi gửi gắm ước mơ. Mặc dù điểm A level của P không cao, nhưng do mối quan hệ đối tác lâu năm giữa Vietnamese Connect và Ulster University, nên trường quyết định trao cho em một học bổng trị giá 2000 bảng. P là một học sinh khiến Vietnamese Connect rất tự hào. Mặc dù điểm A level của em thấp nhưng không vì thế mà em đánh giá thấp bản thân mình. Sau khi xác định được ước mơ là trở thành một dược sĩ em đã không ngừng cố gắng, chăm chỉ học tập và những nỗ lực của em đã được đền đáp. Sau năm thứ nhất đại học, điểm tổng kết của em thuộc hạng xuất sắc của khối ngành dược và em đã tiếp tục dành được học bổng 2000 bảng từ trường cho năm học tiếp theo. Điều P làm cho chúng tôi ngạc nhiên không chỉ dừng lại ở đấy. Mới đây P đã chia sẻ một niềm vui bất ngờ hơn đó là em đã được nhận vào làm việc tại bệnh viện Antrim ở Ireland. Đây có lẽ là niềm vui lớn nhất mà chúng tôi nhận được từ học sinh. Mặc dù xuất phát điểm của em thấp nhưng em đã biết tận dụng cơ hội và hiện thực hóa ước mơ của mình. Vietnamese Connect rất vui vì chúng tôi đã đóng góp một phần nhỏ bé vào chặng đường thành công của P. Thành công không tự nhiên mà đến nó là cả một quá trình. Và khó khăn luôn là một phần trong quá trình đó. Đừng ngần ngại hay chùn bước trước những khó khăn, hãy tìm một con đường đi đúng nhất cho mình. Bạn có nỗ lực, có quyết tâm thì bạn nhất định bạn sẽ đạt được điều mình muốn. Nếu bạn đang thắc mắc liệu bạn có đủ điều kiện để du học Anh hay không, điều kiện nhập học cần những gì, đừng ngần ngại hãy nhắn tin cho chúng tôi, chúng tôi sẽ giúp bạn tìm ra con đường đi đúng đắn và phù hợp nhất cho bạn.


    CÓ NÊN HỌC TIẾP BẰNG THẠC SĨ THỨ 2 TRONG KHI NƯỚC ANH LOCKDOWN VÀ VISA HIỆN TẠI SẮP HẾT HẠN? một trong những công ty hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực tư vấn du học, hợp tác đào tạo quốc tế, dịch vụ Visa, dịch thuật, phiên dịch, định cư. Trụ sở chính của công ty được đặt tại London, thủ đô của Vương quốc Anh Chắc hẳn đợt phong tỏa toàn quốc lần thứ 3 tại Anh quốc đã làm thay đổi rất nhiều dự định sắp tới của các bạn du học sinh. Theo như cập nhật mới nhất từ chính phủ Việt Nam, sẽ không có chuyến bay giải cứu như trước trong các tháng tới. Nếu visa của bạn sắp/đã hết hạn, hãy cùng dành quãng thời gian lockdown này để tìm lời giải đáp cho những bước đi sắp tới. Liệu nên gia hạn Visa và học tiếp chương trình thạc sĩ nữa hay trở về Việt Nam. ​ Tình hình nước Anh trong giai đoạn Lockdown lần 3 (từ ngày 05/01/2021) Do sự lây lan nhanh gấp 50%-70% của biến thể covid 19 mới đã dẫn đến sự bùng nổ đại dịch ở nước Anh. Theo thống kê, số ca nhiễm covid mới liên tục tăng cao, từ ngày 29/12/2020 đến 03/01/2021 được ghi nhận là đỉnh điểm của đại dịch khi số ca nhiễm trung bình hơn 50.000 ca/ngày. Dưới sự lây lan không thể kiểm soát được của dịch bệnh, mới đây Thủ tướng Boris Johnson thông báo lệnh phong toả cả đất nước lần 3, bắt đầu từ thứ Ba ngày 05/01/2021. Đợt phong toả lần này sẽ kéo dài ít nhất là đến giữa tháng 2. Theo lệnh phong toả lần 3 thì mọi người sống ở Anh đều được yêu cầu ở nhà, và chỉ được ra ngoài vì một trong năm lý do: đi làm nếu “không thể” làm việc ở nhà; để mua sắm những thứ cần thiết; tập thể dục; để cung cấp dịch vụ chăm sóc và các cuộc hẹn y tế. Tất cả các trường tiểu học, trung học cơ sở và cao đẳng sẽ đóng cửa từ ngày mai và chuyển sang học trực tuyến. Nhà hàng và quán cà phê sẽ có thể tiếp tục dịch vụ take away hoặc click and collection, nhưng việc bán rượu mang đi sẽ bị cấm. Các địa điểm thể thao ngoài trời, chẳng hạn như sân gôn và sân quần vợt, phải đóng cửa. Trong thời gian này, Chính phủ Anh cũng đã chấp nhận khuyến nghị của Cơ quan Quản lý Thuốc và Sản phẩm Chăm sóc sức khỏe (MHRA) cho phép sử dụng vaccine Covid-19 của Đại học Oxford/AstraZeneca để ngăn chặn đại dịch Covid 19. Anh đã đặt hàng 100 triệu liều Oxford / AstraZeneca - đủ để tiêm chủng cho 50 triệu người. Giá cho một liều vaccine Oxford / AstraZeneca sẽ là 3 bảng. Những can thiệp của chính phủ Anh nhằm mang lại những tín hiệu khả quan hơn, giúp giảm những ca truyền nhiễm mới và ngăn chặn được tình trạng quá tải của NHS. Đọc thêm về việc tiến hành tiêm Vaccine Covid-19 của chính phủ Anh tại ĐÂY Du học sinh Anh và những hướng đi sắp tới Dịch Covid-19 đã thay đổi cách thế giới vận hành từ những sự kiện trực tiếp đông người tham dự tới những phương pháp học tập, làm việc online. Điều này được dự đoán sẽ diễn ra trong những năm tiếp theo và chúng ta sẽ dần phải tập làm quen. Chính những tác động này sẽ làm thay đổi những hướng đi sắp tới của du học sinh Việt Nam tại Anh quốc cho dù bạn đang theo học hay đã kết thúc khoá học. ​ Đối với sinh viên đang theo học tại Anh quốc Theo chính sách hiện tại, các trường đại học sẽ giảng dạy trực tuyến, không tiến hành phương thức dạy học trên lớp. Điều này đã khiến trải nghiệm học tập thực tế tại trường học của sinh viên Việt Nam giảm thiểu đáng kể. Nhiều bạn băn khoăn về dự định nên về Việt Nam hay tiếp tục theo học online tại UK? Để giúp các bạn sinh viên có những nhìn nhận khách quan, Vietnamese Connect sẽ chỉ ra những ưu điểm và hạn chế của mỗi phương án trên trong phần dưới đây. Đối với sinh viên đã hoàn thành chương trình học, visa đã hoặc sắp hết hạn nhưng chưa thể về Việt Nam Nếu bạn dự định rời Vương quốc Anh nhưng không thể thực hiện được và có thị thực hết hạn từ ngày 1/12/2020 đến ngày 31/1/2021, có thể yêu cầu thêm thời gian ở lại, được gọi là “Đảm bảo Đặc biệt” (Exceptional Assurance). Để nhận được “Đảm bảo Đặc biệt”, bạn cần gửi những thông tin dưới đây tới địa chỉ email: : Họ và tên Ngày sinh Quốc tịch Home Office, GWF hoặc bất kỳ số tham chiếu nào khác Loại thị thực Ngày hết hạn của thị thực Lý do cần gia hạn visa: Bằng chứng về việc không thể rời khỏi Anh quốc. Tiêu đề của email là “Request for an assurance” (Yêu cầu Đảm bảo). Trong email của người nộp đơn, nên đính kèm bằng chứng cho thấy lý do tại sao không thể rời khỏi Vương quốc Anh. Ví dụ: nếu không thể rời Vương quốc Anh do gặp vấn đề về chuyến bay trước khi visa hết hạn, cần xác nhận rằng không thể đặt được vé máy bay, hoặc nếu chuyến bay có vấn đề sau khi mua vé, bạn cần gửi bản sao xác nhận đã đặt vé máy bay. Nếu không thể rời Vương quốc Anh vì bị nhiễm coronavirus, bạn cần phải gửi xác nhận về kết quả xét nghiệm dương tính với Covid của mình. Tuy nhiên, các bạn cần lưu ý, đây chỉ là một trong những giải pháp tạm thời trong thời gian ngắn. Chính vì vậy, nếu bạn nào có dự định ở lại UK lâu dài hoặc tiến đến định cư thì nên chuẩn bị những phương án chắc chắn nhất. ​ Đọc thêm về Cập nhật mới của chính phủ về Chính sách Gia hạn Visa do ảnh hưởng từ Covid tại ĐÂY ​ Đối với sinh viên đã hoàn thành chương trình học và có dự định nộp đơn xin chuyển đổi dạng visa (Work Visa hoặc Student Visa) Sinh viên đã kết thúc chương trình học bậc cử nhân, thạc sĩ, tiến sĩ và tìm kiếm được công việc hoặc học thêm các khóa học mới, sẽ cần nộp đơn xin gia hạn visa UK. Trong quá trình hồ sơ đang xét duyệt, sinh viên vẫn được ghi nhận ở lại UK một cách hợp pháp. Đặc biệt, với những bạn hoàn thiện khóa thạc sĩ thứ nhất, đang ở diện Visa Tier 4 Student nên đăng ký thêm khóa học thạc sĩ thứ hai để được hưởng chính sách ở lại UK 2 năm sau tốt nghiệp – Post-study work Visa (áp dụng từ mùa hè năm 2021). Đọc thêm về Graduate Route / Post-study work visa (PSW) - Visa mới dành cho sinh viên tại ĐÂY ​ Theo dự báo của chuyên gia kinh tế, khi tình hình dịch bệnh Covid 19 được kiểm soát chặt chẽ, du học sinh sẽ gặp nhiều thuận lợi trong công việc. Vì trong giai đoạn này, nền kinh tế dần phục hồi, thị trường lao động sẽ liên tiếp thu hút nhân tài mới, có chuyên môn và trình độ cao thông qua chính sách lương thưởng hấp dẫn. Vì vậy, việc đăng ký khoá học Thạc sĩ trong 1 năm cũng sẽ là thời điểm dịch Covid qua đi, nền kinh tế hồi phục, nước Anh tách khỏi EU, khiến thị trường lao động cũng sẽ trở nên sôi động hơn, có nhiều việc làm cho tân sinh viên. Lợi ích đặc biệt dành cho sinh viên muốn gia hạn Student Visa 2021 ​ Sinh viên quốc tế đã ở UK trên 12 tháng, đồng thời Visa vẫn còn hạn thì khi nộp hồ sơ xin gia hạn, các bạn sẽ không phải nộp hồ sơ chứng minh tài chính. ​ Dù lựa chọn về hay ở lại, bắt đầu sự nghiệp mới ở Việt Nam hay UK, điều quan trọng nhất mà Vietnamese Connect muốn nhắn nhủ với du học sinh Việt: “Đây là những thời điểm đầy thách thức đối với tất cả mọi người trên thế giới, không riêng mình bạn. Chúng ta cùng cố gắng hết sức để đối phó với đại dịch, sao cho cuộc sống và những dự định tương lai sẽ không vì Covid mà bị thay đổi theo chiều hướng tiêu cực. Trong mọi khó khăn, luôn tồn tại những cơ hội bứt phá mới, tuy nhiên, các bạn có lựa chọn nắm bắt điều đó?”. ​ Nếu bạn có thắc mắc về chính sách Post-study Work Visa và chương trình Master 2, vui lòng liên hệ với Vietnamese Connect để được giải đáp. ​Related Contents See all posts Will part-time job cover the cost of studying in the UK There is an question remaining controversial in the international student community up to now, that is "WILL PART-TIME JOB COVER THE COST OF STUDYING IN THE UK?".... ​Top 5 cheapest cities in the UK for oversea students A big concern of many Vietnamese students for studying in the UK is the cost of living here. They are afraid that the UK cost of living is so high and beyond their reach. However, this is a common view.... ​Essential supplies for studying in the UK during the pandemic season Two months left until the day of admission, you are eager for your next trip to the fog-land but may be also confused about what to prepare. Especially, the Coronavirus is still creeping into every corner of the UK even though the blockade is slowly being removed.... The UK 2-Year Post-Study Work Visa for Graduates According to the UK Home Office’s official announcement, international students are allowed to extend their visas up to 2 years after graduation to find work in the UK. This new law will apply to graduates since the summer 2021.... Why should you study a Master degress in the UK To satisfy high demands of the current job market with the intention of finding a better job or getting a promotion, higher studying after completing bachelor program is proving popular to students..... ​The cost of studying in the UK ​

  • Kingston University London | Vietnamese Connect

    Kingston University London Kingston University London offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses for UK and international students. The university always focuses on high-quality teaching, expanding educational goals towards all international students. OVERVIEW Currently, more than 21,300 students are studying in Kingston University London, including more than 3,200 international students from more than 134 countries around the world. Especially, the university is ranked in the UK’s top 50 by the 2020 Guardian University Guide . LOCATION Located in the outer borough of London, within the beautiful Kingston-upon-Thames where leafy Surrey meets bustling London, Kingston University London presents the perfect combination of modern living in historic surroundings – a strong Britannic ancient town covering many vibrant stores and bustling pubs. The university is away from central London by a 25-minute train ride from the southwest, making it easy to get to major airports like Gatwick and Heathrow. In addition, the British royal parks and the River Thames are just a few minutes’ walk away. Kingston University London has 5 campuses, each dedicated to related subjects. Kingston Hill, Penrhyn Road and Knights Park campuses are all located in Richmond. St George’s campus in London designed for health course and Roehampton Vale campus dedicated to the studying of engineering are more central. Kingston University Campus ACHIEVEMENTS AND RANKING Kingston University is among the Top 50 universities for good teaching quality in the UK. Aiming at improving teaching value, the university’s training direction focuses on career requirements. Up to now, Kingston University holds many records in the UK, such as: The UK’s top 50 in the 2020 Guardian University Guide Rank 2nd in Design and Craft, 6th in Fashion, 9th in Architecture (Guardian, 2019) Teaching Excellence Gong at the Guardian 2017 University Awards Top 10 among 200 young universities in the world 60% of the University’s research submission was rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in REF 2014 No.1 in London for Journalism, Sports Science and Pharmacy (Guardian 2019) 95% of our graduates are in work six months after graduating (HESA 2015/16) ACADEMIC TRAINING SPECIALITIES There are 3 training disciplines that Kingston’s students can study here: Business, Management and Law Science, Engineering and Computing Social science ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Foundation programme Each foundation course includes training on academic subjects, English language and study skills. IELTS: 4.5 overall (writing 5.0, remaining bands >4.0) and High school graduated at Excellent level 2. International Year One International Year One is a three-term course designed specifically for business and management. After completing the course, students will entry into the 2nd year of their undergraduate degree. IELTS: 5.0 overall (writing 5.0, remaining bands >4.0) High school graduated at Excellent level or being a first-year student at a university 3. Pre-master programme Pre-masters is a two-term program designed for international students to familiarize themselves with teaching, learning and research methods for postgraduate level in the UK. IELTS 5.5 (all bands) Bachelor degree. 4. Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes The University’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes offer more than 280 undergraduate courses and numerous postgraduate courses in a wide range of disciplines. Undergraduate: IELTS 6.0 overall (no band below 5.5) Postgraduate: IELTS 6.5 overall (no band below 5.5) TUITION FEES Foundation programme: £13.000/year International Year One: £13.450/year Undergraduate programme: £15.600/year Pre-master programme: £9.500/year Master programme: £16.000/year SCHOLARSHIPS Kingston University London offers scholarships up to £4,000 and higher depending on students’ academic performance.

  • Coventry University | Vietnamese Connect

    Coventry University Founded in 1843, Coventry University is located in Coventry, the most central city in England, just 1 hour from its other campus in central London. Proudly ranked 13th in the UK by the Guardian University Guide 2019, the university attracts 11,000 international students presenting more than 130 countries, and offers over 250 bachelor’s and master’s courses. Coventry University’s quality education in Business and Economics is highly recognized by the Times Higher Education (THE) Reputation Rankings. The university is one of the top 400 institutions in the world in business and economics. Not only famous for its high-quality research program, Coventry has received a Gold rating in teaching by the Teaching Excellence Framework. For that reason, it is not surprising that Coventry is an attractive destination for thousands of students from all over the world every year. LOCATION The university is located in the heart of Coventry, one of the best student cities in the UK (QS Best Student Cities Index 2019). Coventry city is not only impressed by its safety, affordable cost of living, high rating by top 4 safest cities in the UK with an affordable cost of living, it is also the intersection between modernity and beautiful medieval architecture. Especially, the main campus is situated in the heart of Coventry city, bringing the best experiences for students in convenient shopping, eating and travelling. From Coventry, you can easily move by train to the big city of Birmingham within 20 minutes or to London within 1 hour. If students would like to experience the life of the capital and improve job opportunities, they can choose the university’s other attractive campus located in London, one of the financial and economic centres of the world. ​ ACCOMMODATION Coventry University provides free housing counselling services for students. Besides the private housing leasing option, students can apply for the university dormitory. In an effort to improve the quality and quantity of dormitory rooms, Coventry continues to invest more than £89 million, ensuring the student experience satisfaction here. Coventry University Campus ACHIEVEMENTS Top 15 UK universities rated by The Guardian University Guide 2020 Awarded title “University of the Year for Student Experience” in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019 Top Modern University of the Year in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019 97% of graduates were employed or in further study six months after graduation (DLHE Survey 2015/16) Gold rating by the recent Outstanding Teaching Framework (TEF) Top 10 across 12 subject areas in the Guardian University Guide 2019 SUPPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Focusing on developing students’ abilities, Coventry University aims to work with many programs and events to help students orient themselves and test their strengths in future work. According to statistics from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), Coventry University has made nearly 3,000 experiences exclusively for foreign students in the school year 2015/16. The University prides itself with the title UK University of the Year for Student Experience (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019). With a large number of students from more than 130 countries around the world, Coventry has built a team of counsellors to answer questions of students during their study. Within the first week of admission, the university will hold the event "Welcome Week" to pick-up students at the airport. ​ ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMMES Coventry University is composed of 4 faculties, including: Faculty of Arts and Humanities: School of Visual Arts and Design, School of Humanities and School of Media and Performing Arts. Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing: School of Computing, Electronics & Mathematics, School of Energy, Construction & Environment and School of Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace & Automotive Engineering. Faculty of Health and Life Science: School of Life Science, School of Psychology, School of Behavioural and Social Sciences, and School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health. Faculty of Business and Law: Coventry School of Business and Coventry School of Law ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND TUITION FEES 1. Foundation Required Qualifications: Graduated from high school English Level: IELTS 4.5 Tuition/year: £14,490 2. Pre-Master (1-2 semesters) Required Qualifications: Graduated from university/college English Level: IETLS 5.5 (no band below 5.5) Tuition/year: £5,160/semester ​ 3. Undergraduate Required Qualifications: Graduated from high school English Level: IELTS 6.0 Tuition/year: £16,400 ​ 4. Master Required Qualifications: Graduated from university English Level: IELTS 6.5 (no band below 5.5) Tuition/year: £16,600 ​ SCHOLARSHIPS Coventry University offers a variety of scholarships with value up to £3,000 of total tuition for students having outstanding academic achievements and extracurricular activities.

  • 20 English Business Idioms | Vietnamese Connect

    Learning English with Vietnamese Connect Common English Idioms Learning English idioms is to not only present your professional skills but also allow you to understand native English speaker easily. We have compiled a list of 20 commonly used idioms, explaining the meaning and also give you examples of how to use them. Learning, practising and using them, you will improve your professional English. 1. A blessing in disguise Meaning: a good thing that seemed bad at first Example: Diet is a blessing in disguise. After a while no junk food, you will have a great body. ​ 2. A dime a dozen Meaning: Something common Example: Wearing face mark is a dime a dozen in Vietnam ​ 3. Beat around the bush Meaning: Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable Example: When my friend asked me how was her new outfit, l had to beat around the bush. ​ 4. Better late than never Meaning: Better to arrive late than not to come at all Example: A: Yesterday is Mike’s birthday, but l forgot to send him a birthday card. B: Better late than never ​ 5. Bite the bullet Meaning: To get something over with because it is inevitable Example: Decisions have to be taken and as a director, you have got to bite the bullet. ​ 6. Break a leg Meaning: Good luck Example: A: I have an exam tomorrow B: Break a leg ​ 7. Call it a day Meaning: Stop working on something Example: I think you should call your work a day, you need a break. ​ 8. Cut somebody some slack Meaning: Do not be so critical Example: Kate was late again but let’s cut her some slack, she had a hard time in the hospital with her son. 9. Cut corners Meaning: Doing something poorly in order to save time or money Example: My salary has been cut down due to pandemic, then we need to cut corners. ​ 10. Easy does it/ Take it easy Meaning: Slow down Example: Why you drive too fast? Take it easy/ Easy does it, l am afraid of speed ​ 11. Get out of hand Meaning: Get out of control Example: If your party get out of hand, the police will knock your door. ​ 12. Get something out of your system Meaning: Do the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move on Example: Let the kids play a little longer, maybe they will get out of the system. ​ 13. Get your act together Meaning: Work better or leave. To start to organize yourself so that you do things in an effective way. Example: You look so tired, l think you should get your act together ​ 14. Give someone the benefit of the doubt Meaning: Trust what someone says Example: He said ‘that girl is his classmate’ and l give him the benefit of doubt ​ 15. Hang in there Meaning: Do not give up Example: Studying will be very stressed when the exam is coming but hang in there. ​ 16. Hit the sack Meaning: Go to sleep Example: l usually hit the sack quite late, around 1 am. ​ 17. It’s not rocket science Meaning: It's not complicated Example: this task is not rocket science, take it easy and you can do it. ​ 18. Make a long story short Meaning: Tell something briefly Example: Let’s make a long story short, we are running out of time. ​ 19. Pull someone’s leg Meaning: To joke with someone Example: l usually pull my boyfriend’s leg ​ 20. On the ball Meaning: Doing a good job/ be aware of any changes and quick reaction to them Example: We need someone who is really on the ball to answer the professor’s questions. Business English idioms

  • Reading University | Vietnamese Connect

    Reading University Offering a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses for UK and international students, Reading University always focuses on improving the quality of teaching, expanding educational goals towards all international students. OVERVIEW Currently, Reading University has more than 17,000 students from more than 150 countries around the world. Studying here, students will develop the extremely good skills and knowledge necessary for them to be more successful in the future. The university has invested more than £500 million to set up modern facilities for its students and faculty. In addition, Reading University is ranked as one of the UK’s top 1% of research-intensive universities in the world. ​ LOCATION Reading University is primarily located in the city of Berkshire, England and operates in three separate campuses: Whiteknight Road, London Road, and Bulmershe Road. Berkshire is a liveable city for those who are looking to study at Reading University. Travel time by train to central London only takes about 1 hour, so it is quite easy for student to travel and have a relaxing space on weekends. ​ FACILITIES To serve the teaching and learning activity, Reading offers modern facilities and equipment with plentiful resources from libraries and computers, laboratories, languages and wireless networks to a 24-hour technical technology information support system and a large library with millions of books. Reading University Campus ACHIEVEMENTS Reading University has made many outstanding achievements on the rankings of The Guardian. Aiming at improving the teaching quality, its training orientation always focuses on actual job requirements. Currently, the university holds many records in the UK, such as: Top 10 best universities in the world by Times Higher Education World University Rankings 98% of Reading’s research was rated as internationally recognised, 78% was classed as internationally excellent Four-time winner of the Queen's Anniversary Prize 87% student satisfaction according to the 2016 survey ​ EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES At Reading University, a group named Vietsoc (Vietnamese Society) often hold food and entertainment events to help students get closer and more confident in communication. You can share your studies with each other and ask for the support from seniors in the same courses. ​ ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMMES Students can choose and study at Reading University 4 following disciplines: Arts and Humanities Construction Management Social Science Science ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Foundation course Foundation course covers training for academic subjects, English and study skills. IELTS: 5.5 overall Graduated grade 11 or high school 2. Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes The University’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes offer more than 280 undergraduate courses and numerous postgraduate courses in a wide range of disciplines. Undergraduate: IELTS 6.5 overall (no band below 6.0) Postgraduate: IELTS 7.0 overall (no band below 6.5) TUITION FEES Foundation programme: £11,440/year Undergraduate: £16,475 – £19,815/year Postgraduate: £16,045 – £ 23,750/year SCHOLARSHIPS The scholarships are from £3,000 and can be higher depending on students’ achievements

  • Aston University | Vietnamese Connect

    Aston University Aston University is located in the centre of Birmingham city, the UK’s second largest city, which is famous for its thriving economy. With a favourable location and excellent teaching quality, Aston is home to more than 14,000 students from 130 countries around the world and being ranked the UK’s top 20 universities. OVERVIEW The school was founded in 1895 and officially became the University after 71 years upon receipt of its Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth II. Aston University is made up of five schools: Engineering and Applied Science, Life and Health Sciences, Languages and Social Sciences, the Aston Medical School and the Aston Business School. Aston’s reputation is also proven by several prestigious rankings. The University is proud to be ranked 12th among the UK’s top universities in 2016, 80th among the world’ top universities according to the QS Graduate Employability Rankings. For that reason, Aston is always a prestigious partner with major employers and multinational companies such as Accenture, BT, P&G, IBM and Jaguar Land Rover, etc. LOCATION Aston’s campus is located in the heart of Birmingham, the UK’s second largest city, of which the population is over 1 million. Birmingham is the intersection of most diverse and multicultural communities in one vibrant and modern environment. Second only to London in terms of theatres, Birmingham has a very artistic nature of a city of melodies and poems. Especially, it is very convenient for international students flying into the city because the Birmingham Airport is only 20 minutes from the city centre by train, and London is only less than 2 hours away. Aston’s main campus is also less than a 20-30 minutes’ walking distance from the city's shopping and entertainment centres. Therefore, Aston University is considered one of the best schools for students by Virgin Student. ​ ACCOMMODATION Aston University guarantees on-campus accommodation for non-European Union (EU) international students during the course of study. The dormitory is situated in the centre of Birmingham city and contains 3,000 en-suite rooms. The necessities such as food, washing machines, entertainment areas such as bars and restaurants are located nearby. Aston University Campus ACHIEVEMENTS Ranking by overall performance: Ranked 36th by The Guardian University Guide 2020 Ranked 48th by The Times University Guide 2020 Ranked 34th by The Complete University Guide 2020 Be awarded a five star by QS (2016-17) in the areas of teaching, employability, innovation, facilities, inclusiveness and internationalisation 84% student satisfaction rating (National Student Survey 2018) Ranked 2nd in the UK for boosting graduate salaries (The Economist, 2017) ​ Ranking by typical subjects: Top 85 for Business and Economics by The 2018 Times Higher Education Top 100 for Business Administration by The 2019 QS Subject Rankings Top 200 for Accounting and Finance by The 2019 QS Subject Rankings Top 250 Universities for Linguistics by The 2019 QS Subject Rankings ​ Aston Business School is among the Top 22 Business Schools in the UK to hold the "triple crown" accreditation from the most sought-after international accreditation bodies (AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS). All MSc programmes at Aston Business School focus on practical professional development and employability. Aston Medical School has received the title of Regius Professorship from HM The Queen. This noble title was awarded only to the top 12 universities in the UK as part of celebrations for HM the Queen’s birthday. ​ SUPPORTS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The university hosts a series of events taking place at the beginning of the school year for international students. Immediately after arriving at Birmingham airport, they will be welcomed and supported until they arrive at their accommodation. During the course of study, students will be also supported by the university’s career counselling office or receive other aids for improving their language skills and integrating into social life here. ​ ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND TUITION FEES 1. Foundation Starting: September English level: IELTS 5.5 (No band below 5.0) Average tuition fee: £11,500 ​ 2. Bachelor Starting: January/ September English level: IELTS 6.0 IELTS 6.5 for Business School IELTS 7.0 for Medical School Average tuition fee: £15,600 ​ 3. Master Starting: January/ September English level: IELTS 6.5 Average tuition fee: £18,850 ​ SCHOLARSHIPS Vice- Chancellor International Scholarship: worth £8,000 for students with GPA 8.0 or higher and with excellent essay, minimum IELTS of 6.5. Global Excellence Scholarship: worth £5,000 for students with GPA 8.0 or higher, registration for bachelor’s degree in September, minimum IELTS of 6.5.

  • Essential supplies for studying in UK during epidemic season

    ​Study abroad with Vietnamese Connect ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES FOR STUDYING IN THE UK DURING THE EPIDEMIC SEASON Two months left until the day of admission, you are eager for your next trip to the fog-land but may be also confused about what to prepare. Especially, the Coronavirus is still creeping into every corner of the UK even though the blockade is slowly being removed. Please, with Vietnamese Connect, arrange your luggage and prepare to take on the new challenges and fun on your studying journey in the UK. 1. Admission and important entry documents As the first step in arranging your backpack to the UK, you shall make sure important immigration documents, as well as admission papers, are fully in place, including: Confirm of Acceptance for Studies, Unconditional offer letter, ATAS certificate and tuition fee receipt. Passport, visa, visa issuance letter Printout of airline ticket Tuberculosis Test Certificate Foreign language certificate, academic diplomas Personal information and guardian information in the UK and in Vietnam Personal documents such as identity cards, birth certificates and driver's licenses 3 × 4 and 4 × 6 ID photos (4 or more/each) Home address in the UK (if renting outside) ​ Note : All papers must be translated into English and should make at least 2 copies for emergent cases. Documents should be stored in a separate file in your carry-on baggage or backpack to facilitate the immigration process as well as ensure no loss. You should also tag your name, phone number as well as the address in the UK on your suitcase to avoid unexpected incident or loss of luggage. 2. Prepare your cash Legally, you are only allowed to bring up to 5,000 USD out of Vietnam, equivalent to about £3,700. For more amounts, you need to declare it at the customs authority. Otherwise, a fine up to £5,000 will be imposed. Therefore, you should not bring too much cash in your wallet but divide it into account cards for international payment. Cash in your wallet should only be enough to spend in the UK within 1 month while waiting for a bank card in the UK. It takes about 3 weeks to create a bank account in this country, so you can use international cards opened in Vietnam to make payment when shopping here. 3. Clothes Depending on your time of enrolment, the weather will change accordingly. However, in general, the weather in the UK is cold with rainy winter. The temperature in summer is not too hot, around 14 - 24°C. So, you should give precedence to heat-retaining clothing, 1-2 warm coats bought from Vietnam, 1 traditional Ao Dai or polite suit. Your suit will be used during class presentations or school activities while Ao Dai is for international student exchange programs, holidays, Tet, etc. Do not bring too many Vietnamese coats because you can buy weather-appropriate jackets in the UK with extremely affordable prices. Big brands such as Adidas, Nike, Superdry, Primark, etc. are also sold all year round with many types of models, its prices range from expensive to cheap, suitable for your budget. Umbrellas are also not necessary because the wind in many parts of the UK is quite strong, you can buy it at the grocery stores here with affordable prices and better quality. Airlines currently allow each passenger to bring between 30-46 kg of checked baggage and 7-12 kg of hand baggage. So, you should bring really necessary clothes to avoid any fine. 4. Food Most Vietnamese students does not feel good with British food. Therefore, preparing food to this fog-land is extremely necessary. You should prepare dry foods such as instant noodles, dry vermicelli, dried beef, shrimp paste, etc. If you love Vietnamese food, want to save money and try to cook, should prepare a variety of seasonings for hot pot, braised meat stew, beef noodle, etc. Avoid bringing fresh foods and which gives out smells like meat, fish or meat of rare animals. You need to learn about the regulations on foods prohibited from bringing into the UK to avoid leaving out your items while making clearance customs. ELECTRONIC GADGETS Besides bringing of your laptop, you should pay attention to the power conversion in the UK. All power outlets in the UK are 3-pin socket, different from Vietnam (2-pin socket). Therefore, you need to prepare some power adapters to use your laptops, phones or other electrical appliances here. You should buy them in Vietnam to save money, or after going to the UK, the first step is going to the supermarket to buy a socket converter. The price of a 3-pin socket in Vietnam is only about 60,000 - 80,000 VND (Dien Quang brand) while it is nearly £4 (approximately 120,000 VND) at Wilko. ​ PREPARE SUPPLIES DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC SEASON 1. Basic medicines You need to prepare some basic medicines for colds, runny nose and headaches, stomach aches, wind oil, etc. and special treatment drugs prescribed by your doctor. This can help you cope with the abrupt change in weather when you get off the plane. In addition, it also helps you to prevent better with Covid 19 epidemic in UK. Note: Drugs should have a clear label, are not dangerous and not in the Prohibited list of the UK. 2. Personal protective gears Although Covid-19 has a decreasing sign in the coming time, you should not ignore it and need to prepare carefully plans to avoid and protect yourself. It is advisable to bring gloves, dry hand sanitizer, medical mask, cloth mask, 1 protective suit to wear when using public transport for a long time. Keep a note of the police phone number in the area you live in case of an attack or threat. ​Related Contents See all posts Why should you study a Master degress in the UK To satisfy high demands of the current job market with the intention of finding a better job or getting a promotion, higher studying after completing bachelor program is proving popular to students..... Will part-time job cover the cost of studying in the UK There is an question remaining controversial in the international student community up to now, that is "WILL PART-TIME JOB COVER THE COST OF STUDYING IN THE UK?".... ​Top 5 cheapest cities in the UK for oversea students A big concern of many Vietnamese students for studying in the UK is the cost of living here. They are afraid that the UK cost of living is so high and beyond their reach. However, this is a common view.... The UK 2-Year Post-Study Work Visa for Graduates According to the UK Home Office’s official announcement, international students are allowed to extend their visas up to 2 years after graduation to find work in the UK. This new law will apply to graduates since the summer 2021.... ​The cost of studying in the UK ​ ​How to have an effective online lesson? ​

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