Connecting Languages, Connecting People

Our purpose is to develop the Vietnamese community, not only in the quantity but also in quality. With our experienced consultant and solicitor, we provide a high quality of legal consultancy relating to business license, legal issues or letters to support the development of Vietnamese businesses, including restaurants and nails shops.
We recognise that as long with the Vietnamese community development, the demand to come to the UK legally has been increasing. Hence, we also provide reliable and effective services relating to UK visa and immigration for both long and short time to meet our clients’ demands.
1. Work and Business Visas: If you want to come to the UK for work in long or short time, you should apply for this type of visa. There are different types of work visa including:
Tier 1 Visas are for high-value, exceptional talent workers or investor and entrepreneurs. There are different types of Tier 1 Visa, including Innovator Visa, Start-up Visa, Exceptional Talent Visa, Investor Visa and Graduate Entrepreneur Visa.
Tier 2 (Work Visas) are for skilled foreign workers who have job offers by the licensed sponsor in the UK for skilled jobs or a job in the Shortage list.
Tier 5 (Temporary Worker Visas UK) is for foreign people who do unpaid voluntary work for a charity; come to the UK for a short time for work experience or to do training, an Oversea Government Language Programme, research or a fellowship through an approved government authorised exchange scheme; have been offered work in the UK as a sportsperson or creative worker; be contracted to do work covered by international law while in the UK, for example working for a foreign government or as a private servant in a diplomatic household; do religious work, such as preaching or working in a religious order or come to the UK for up to 6 months to do farm work.
2. Study Visas: If you want to study in the UK in both long and short time you can apply for study visas. There are 3 types of study visa.
Short-term Study Visa: if you are doing a short course of study in the UK.
Tier 4 (General Student Visa): if you are over 16, have been offered a place on a course; can speak, read, write and understand English; have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course-the amount will vary depending on your circumstances, you can apply for Tier 4 General Student Visa.
Tier 4 Child Student Visa: If you are aged between 4 and 17 and you want to study at an independent school in the UK; have a place on a course; have the consent of your parent or guardian and have enough money to cover your course fees and living costs, then you can apply for this visa.
3. Visitor Visas: These visas are issued for short stays, tourism visits and similar purposes, including:
Standard Visitor Visa: if you want to visit the UK: for leisure, for example on holiday or to see your family and friends; for business, or to take part in sports or creative events; for another reason, for example, to receive private medical treatment, you can apply for this visa.
Marriage Visitor Visa: If you want to get married or register a civil partnership in the UK; you want to give notice of a marriage or civil partnership in the UK; you’re not planning to stay or settle in the UK after your marriage or civil partnership, you can apply for this visa.
Permitted Paid Engagement Visa: if you are invited by a UK-based organisation or client or want to come to the UK to do specific paid work without having to be sponsored under the points-based visa system, you can apply for this visa.
Parent of Tier 4 Child Visa: If your child attends an independent fee-paying day school in the UK and you want to come to visit your child, you can apply for this visa.
4. Family Visas: are issued to visit family members in the UK. This Visa type is for people who have family members working and living in the UK and want to join them for more than six months, as their dependents. The dependents can be husband or wife (spouse), partner, fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner, children, parents, other family members.
5. Live permanently in the UK: who have been living in the UK for a long period with a temporary visa, and now want to receive a permanent residence permit.
6. Seek protection or claim asylum: if you are in the UK, be enable to go back your home country because you fear persecution and want to stay in the UK as a refugee you can apply for this visa.
Our consultants and solicitors are based in the UK and have long experience in the UK’s legal system and immigration law. We believe that we can provide you with the best and efficient consulting services in order to achieve our final purpose, which is to develop the Vietnamese community in the UK. If you are in one of the situations above or have legal troubles in running your business, do not hesitate to leave us a message by filling in Contact Form we will contact you shortly.